Preparing for LASIK Surgery
Preparation is important when it comes to LASIK surgery. Preparing yourself for your LASIK recovery before your surgery date not only reduces stress, but reduces risk. Following the recommendations of our LASIK specialists is the best way to ensure a speedy recovery and the best possible long-term results.
While the actual surgery can take as little as fifteen minutes, appointments before LASIK surgery are an important part of the LASIK process. During pre-surgery consultations, our surgeons will thoroughly examine your eyes and evaluate your vision, provide instructions on how to prepare for surgery, and address any questions or concerns that you might have about the procedure. With a procedure like LASIK, it’s crucial to go into it with realistic expectations.
The Day Before LASIK Surgery
Prior to the day of your surgery, your surgeon will prescribe anti-inflammatory and antibiotic eye drops. When used as directed, these drops will help to ensure that your eyes are free from infection and irritation at the time of your surgery. All patients who undergo surgery should arrange a ride home.
LASIK Pre-Op Instructions
Prior to arriving at the LASIK Center, you will be given instructions to clean your lids and asked not to wear make-up or fragrances.
Arriving for Surgery
Once you have checked-in for your surgery you will be brought to our pre-op area. At that time, we will finish collecting your consent and we will offer you a mild sedative to relax.
An updated iDesign custom map will be obtained at this time. The iDesign creates a custom map of your unique visual system. Your visual system is unique to you much like your fingerprint and that is why custom laser vision correction gives the optimal outcome. The iDesign map is transferred digitally into the laser vision correction laser for your procedure. Using the iDesign gives your surgeon a custom, unique-to-only-you map of your eye. This allows for the best possible results during LASIK.
You will be informed that the procedure takes about 10 minutes and that you have a blinking fixation light to look at during your LASIK surgery. You may feel mild pressure during the procedure, but no pain. We will be talking to you through your laser eye surgery every step of the way to make sure that you are comfortable.
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